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Not all plans work out.

Along with commemorating a significant event in this endeavor, I had an idea, that maybe some of the very positive comments I got from people that bought paracord items, was that maybe I could transform them into testimonials for an upcoming website. I made up this real nice letter and bought envelopes and went down my list of customers and sent out about 50 to 70 letters. I asked everyone to email me their story of their purchase or feelings about the bracelet or other item or write it down on the letter and return it to me. I sent those letters out and then it happened. Wait for it…wait. BAMMM. Nothing. Not one. NADA. Goose Egg. No one sent or emailed me anything. At first I was quite bummed, then I realized I better get back to work if I want this business to do something.

I want to make sure to put this information out along with the positive. There is no way that all plans will be linear and work perfectly. I expect that and try to look at every setback as a learning experience. This was definitely one. It wasn’t the worst thing that could happen, but it is one of those things that can be humbling and remind me that I have a lot to learn. On the other side, it still was a good idea. The fact that it didn’t work out doesn’t mean I made a mistake. Perhaps I should have followed up with some of the people that spoke so highly of the bracelets. I will continue to listen and learn from all the aspects of this endeavor.

I’ll see you next time, Constant Reader.

The Flyers are up and running

As the title says the flyers are up. About 5 or 6 in total. The response is fairly lukewarm to start. When I checked my flyers, there were a couple comments written on them. One I initially took offense to and I’ll admit, I replaced that flyer with a new one. It had a comment about there isn’t any pride in the profession. It was eluding to a passage on the flyer where I encourage officers to show the pride in their profession.

At times my police people have bad days. Sometimes those bad days can run into weeks, or months or longer. Law Enforcement is for the most part a thankless job and many officers aren’t exactly loved by the masses. Some of that is going on in my department. We are about 33% of the force we were around 10 years ago. Most of that has been budget cuts, through lay-offs and attrition. Though I didn’t like the comment, I can relate to it. It wasn’t negative towards me anyway. You can call be crazy but there is a little part of me that hopes some morale might have gotten even the slightest boost by my bracelets. I won’t belabor this point so I’ll move on.

Although I described the above comment scribbled on the flyer, for the most part there hasn’t been any comments placed on the flyers. I really appreciate that and take it as a sign of respect from my colleagues. This is nothing I take for granted and is actually indicative of the person I’ve always been at work: me. I don’t try to impress and I always make every effort to be positive. I believe it has all has been meant for good.

As I said the response was pretty lukewarm in the beginning, and then something happened. I’m not sure if it was one of the first people that bought them or something else, but it seemed like everyone wanted to buy one. I mean everyone. Every evening I would go home to make more bracelets and the next day, I would sell most of what I had and then get a few more orders for sizes that I ran out of. I was at times overwhelmed, but this was a good thing. So many people were giving me tips and suggestions and referring people to me. Within a month or so I had gone from selling those very first ones to passing a milestone of my 100th bracelet.

Tune in next time and I’ll explain what I did to commemorate this event. Take care Constant Reader.