As I wrote previously, after a trifle glitch in the matrix, we got the go ahead to set up. This went a lot smoother, since we had done the same thing on the first day. I think we looked darn cool too, with our matching shirts and all.
I forgot to say that on the first day, we nearly lost our canopy to the wind. I had to use some of the paracord and tie some anchors to the rear in a patch of ground with stakes and I had to use a couple of paint cans to anchor the front legs. A bit crude but it worked. I had an idea to expand on the paint can idea, since I can’t depend on anchoring to an open patch of ground. I went to our local Lowe’s and picked up 4 empty paint cans with lids, filled them with sand and taped our logo to them. Once we had the canopy up I tied the cans to the canopy with paracord, using a Siberian Hitch at each paint can. It is a quick, fast knot that is adjustable and is really quick to unravel at the end of the day. As a matter of fact I had a few people commenting on the cans and that they were a good idea. Heck, I was just trying to make sure our set-up made it back home.
We had a wonderful lady from a chapter of the Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club stop by. She wanted a particular size of bracelet to wrap around the right upper side of her vest just under the shoulder. She told us that several people from their clubs wear them that way or wear them dangling from the side of their vests. I had never heard of this before. We got to making her bracelet, when she returned shortly thereafter with her husband and two other club member. That one bracelet transformed into 4 sales along with some great suggestions on colors and designs. They also suggested that I check out their national website for events that I may be able to attend and sell some of my items.
Tune into the next entry when I continue the story, Constant Reader.
After we got set up, I was a bit exhausted. I didn’t know how everything would go, so I just try to relax and watch the practice by the officers. Then Jim Nelson, comes up. He is a motor officer from St. Paul, MN. He asks about the bracelets a bit and says he will be back in a bit to get something. Later on he even brought a plate of food from the tent that the officers were located. This guy was so generous he shocked me a bit. Maybe I’m somewhat jaded by working in Flint as a police officer for so long, but he astounded me with his kind demeanor. I looked upon it as a good sign that perhaps I was in the right place.
Throughout the day we made a few sales. Jim Nelson, bought 3 bracelets and we sold about 9 items in total. Come 4pm we began packing up as the officer’s were finishing up their day of practice. I felt a good sense of accomplishment, but I also had this lingering thought of what would the next day would bring. As I said before, the enormity of this whole thing, left me feeling inadequate. I even told my family that I was planning on doing the event on Saturday, but I felt like maybe I wasn’t ready for Sunday. While we were driving home, my wife began encouraging me to do the whole thing, Friday, Saturday and definitely Sunday. See it to the end, she said. Learn from it and move forward, she said. She planted a seed if nothing else. Now I’m back to doing something that puts fear in me.
As we drove home, I thought about it more and I believe she was correct. I shouldn’t fear what may come. Embrace the experience, heck it just may be a lot of fun.
Tune in next time to see how it unfolded, Constant Reader.
Remember when I wrote about my letter campaign going completely bust and not getting any responses. Well something interesting happened. In the letter, I was marking the milestone of selling the 100th paracord item. This is around the 2nd week of July 2012. Although I sent out several letters, I kept several back until I came in contact with those people again. When I finally realized that the whole process was a big goose egg, I realized, I was well past the 100 item mark. I was creeping really closely to the 200th item and beyond. Although I didn’t like what happened, or should I say, what didn’t happen with the letters, I kept my nose to the grindstone and kept, making items and selling. That I believe is what is important.
I learned that it is important to stay focused. I can’t let a setback hinder my business goals. I have to press on and move forward.
I’ll talk with you next time constant reader.
As I said earlier about the Bikes on the Bricks, now I have a show to do. Oh @%&*. Now what?
The first thing that came to mind is I have a lot of work to do. I need a table(s), tablecloths, some type of display, and lots of bracelets. Now is a good time to take a deep breath and practice that combat breathing that I’ve learned at work so long ago. I admit, in addition to being excited, not I feel the pressure to deliver. This supervisor was very gracious with the invitation and I want to honor that support and do well.
So I begin the work. I have always liked the process of knowing something is coming and slowly making preparations to get ready. Heck, when we go on vacation, I like to take out the suitcases about a month ahead of time and slowly start putting items in. If it wasn’t for the fact that I would need to wear some of those clothes, I would be completely packed a month or so out. I know, it’s a little OCD, but what can I tell you. I can’t stand the last minute rush thing. I would rather be ready and just sit around watching everyone else scramble about.
As I’m writing this, I’m a few days from the show and have been twisting cord and making paracord items, placards and such. I even have the extra calloused fingers to prove it. I’m looking forward to the show and will definitely be blogging about it here. Hopefully it will go relatively smooth and the weather will cooperate. I’ve even had to remind myself that I won’t have everything perfect and will learn things that I could do better or eliminate completely.
I’m excited about the process and will talk with you next time, Constant Reader.
As I said before, when I was explaining to him my idea, he stopped me. Now I’m a little worried because this is unchartered waters for me. What he suggested was even better. He said that instead of doing just that, why don’t I set up a table and sell the bracelets if anyone is interested right next to their bike trailer. As you can imagine I’m smiling on the inside and it’s creeping to the outside. 🙂
It has amazed me just how helpful so many have been with this endeavor. Showing their families and friends. Coming to me with other orders for bracelets. Giving suggestions. Help coming in all directions in so many ways. I’ve had multiple people buy 5,6, or more bracelets for all the people they know and are close with. It is really touching to get so much unsolicited help. It’s actually difficult to give a good enough thank you. A few people I’ve given a few bucks to buy them lunch or given them a small item like a key chain. It seems so insignificant, but I have to remember I am trying to build something here. I can’t give away the farm, but I do want those “Angels” to know their help is so appreciated.
To all those who have helped me as I climb the mountains in this business, I can’t tell you how much you mean to me. I appreciate you. Each of you and I won’t forget. I will do my best to honor your contribution and make this a success. Again…THANKYOU.
Back to the work at hand. We’ll talk again next time Constant Reader…see you then.
I took my friends suggestion and went to one of the supervisors that has been an integral part of the police activities associated with the Bikes on the Bricks program. The thought came to me as I was going to work that morning. Perhaps it would be a good idea to get addresses to past participants that may be coming to the police training aspect of the Bikes on the Bricks and send them a flyer and/or card showing my bracelets and reminding them that they can inquire with me if they are interested. Sounds good right?
Well when I get to the office, this same supervisor, tells me he needs to get another bracelet for someone he spoke with at one of the local coffee shops downtown. This is a perfect segue.
So I tell him my idea and before I could finish it he stops me and…I’ll continue next time Constant Reader. Take Care.